Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Welcoming 2014: My Un-Resolution

Resolve means more than
empty promises spoken
Every New Year's Day

It’s Christmas morning.  I have the privilege of sitting here in my “Sacred Magic Room,” reading, writing, praying and reflecting on what this season means to me.  What my life means to me. What my essence means to the world I navigate on a daily basis. I am especially grateful for the presence of mind that guided me to scribble down my thoughts before the gathering with family and friends, before the big feast, before all the gift giving and gift receiving. Because if I learned anything at all during 2013, I learned that God wants me to succeed at out-flowing the unique talents, gifts and abilities bestowed upon me:  No Excuses! God wants me to humble myself, discipline myself, believe in myself so I can get closer to that holy place of redemption. And it just so happens that sitting down to write is a big part of that equation. So I am a blessed woman. Right here, right now.

Normally by the time we get to the 25th of December, I’ve written down all of my resolutions in a beautifully bound journal. For many years, these resolutions have remained the same:  Obey God’s will; be more active in my elderly parents’ lives; continue with my volunteer work; finish writing my books of poetry I’ve started, finish writing my screenplay I’ve started, chunk down a few more chapters of my novel, complete my book of essays; continue with my jogging, start training for another marathon, eat better and oh yes, lose some weight!

But this year, there will be No Resolutions. No looking back or looking forward or making false promises. This year, the goal is to make one goal and stick to it, which I have already done – (a birthday present I gave to myself back in October.) I don’t feel compelled to share what this goal is, but will keep myself in check as I continue to experience the bliss that each day on this planet offers  -   troubles, challenges, triumphs and all. 

As you observe the season (or if it’s your tradition, not observe the season), I hope that you achieve all of the lofty goals you set for yourself this coming year. I hope you are able to keep whatever resolutions you make. I hope you can find joy in the coming year.  I hope the song of Spring on its way is a sweet melody in your ears. I hope the taste of freedom is on the tip of your tongue. I hope the smell of success is ripe in your nostrils. But most of all, I hope you are able to feel your heart beating. And when you do so, I hope you can find and spread love.

Asante Sana. Peace and Blessings Always.

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